Discover lasting relief from symptoms of anxiety, depression, and more.
Neurofeedback therapy is a proven approach to improve brain function and reinforce healthy patterns of thinking.
Your brain is like a supercomputer. When it find something that works, it does its best to automate that function to use less energy.
The problem is that sometimes our automated functions are less than optimal and our mental muscles lack the strength we need to live an enjoyable, well-functioning life.
If you’re experiencing high levels of fear when you’re not in an emergency, your brain is misinterpreting the situation and producing the same results as if you were in life-threatening danger. This involves parts of the brain that don’t communicate with your conscious mind – it’s designed only for survival.
Neurofeedback Therapy or Training is a process of exercising the brain using sensors that read brainwave frequency and speed.
Your therapist will work with you to develop a protocol where the computer system will reward your brain for producing the desired frequency and speed.
For example, if you’re struggling with anxiety, we can exercise your brain to produce brain waves that help you feel calm and in control.
It works much like a mirror for your brain. As your brain produces the desired brainwaves, it receives positive feedback.
This reward could be in the form of a racing game in which your car goes faster, and you earn points when the sensors detect the frequency and speed defined in the protocol. Or you might choose a beautiful mandala that gets colored in more vibrantly as your brain is rewarded.
Neurofeedback Training offers a range of benefits that make it a powerful tool for healing.
Neurofeedback Training uses your brain’s natural ability to change its structure. It’s a non-invasive approach that does not require medication.
By targeting the root causes of symptoms, Neurofeedback Training helps create lasting changes in brain function, reducing symptoms and enhancing your overall well-being.
Neurofeedback Training is tailored to your unique patterns and needs. Your therapist will help you create a customized training plan based on your personal goals.
Neurofeedback Training isn’t only useful for addressing mental health symptoms. It can also enhance cognitive function. Many experience improved focus, attention, and performance as their brain becomes better at self-regulating.
Neurofeedback is not therapy and doesn’t require you to talk about or work through your emotions. Training sessions are usually done two to three times a week for about 20 minutes per session (a lot like your workout).
Over time, your brain builds its strength and forms new habits of healthy activity. You begin to see a difference in your everyday life – and one day, you may notice it’s been a long time since you experienced those troubling symptoms.
Neurofeedback therapy is not a replacement for other forms of therapy, but it works together with other treatments to give you a holistic approach. It can be effective for reducing your need for medication and provide results more quickly.
Neurofeedback training is a non-invasive therapy that rarely produces any side-effects. A small percentage of people may experience fatigue, minor headaches, or dizziness, but these effects generally last only about 24 hours.
Neurofeedback therapy is incredibly effective in helping those with PTSD, anxiety, depression, fear, sleep issues, ADHD, and more.
Experience the power of Neurofeedback Therapy to transform your life. We’re ready to guide you with compassionate support every step of the way.
Unlock the power of your brain!
Understanding how our early experiences shape our thoughts, behaviors and beliefs is the key to unlocking our true potential.
Join our founder Laura Olivieri Wood, for this short course where she dives into how your brain processes your life experiences plus three easy ways to hit the reset button when you feel overwhelmed!
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